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90 Day Money Back Guarantee

Flagshooter Inc. 90 Day Money Back Performance Guarantee Here at Flagshooter Inc. we are so certain that after purchasing your Flagshooter you will see savings and benefits that we are giving you 90 days to prove otherwise.

Once you get your Flagshooter hit the field with it and try it out. We suggest testing it out in various kinds of ground. You will also see how painting and flagging with one tool in the same hand will save you time and energy which quickly converts to money! While you are at it, evaluate how your back feels at the end of the day, we have found it will be less stressed which can lead to a more enjoyable time at home.

These are all factors our loyal customers have been telling us for the last 5 years and we feel it is time to get serious and Guarantee it!
This is not a limited-time offer. This is who we are and how we are operating from here on out. So now that we have taken the risk out of the idea of using the latest marking technology since the marking flag, why not get on the fast track to Time, Energy, Effort, Pain, and Money savings.


  • This guarantee is for the Flagshooter tool only, not the marking flags.
  • This opportunity is good for 1-10 Flagshooters. If you have a large team we recommend trying 10 Flagshooters out to keep the transactions streamlined for everyone.
  • Some shipping expenses may occur.
  • This guarantee becomes effective the day of purchase.
  • Flagshooter Inc. reserves the right to ensure proper use of the Flagshooter is being applied.